Products meeting the search criteria
3 hr All Licenses CE - Homeowners Insurance - What's Covered, What's Not?
Insurance Claims Adjusters and Public Adjusters need a deep understanding of the homeowner policy to..
2 hr All Licenses CE - COVID-19, Insurance, and Claims
COVID-19 claims have raised coverage issues that will probably ultimately resolved through legis..
6 hr all Licenses CE - Surplus Lines
The Surplus Lines Agent License (1-20) allows the licensee to handle the placement of insurance cove..
2 hr all licenses CE - Consumer-Driven Health Care
Types and rates of health care insurance coverage have changed considerably in the last 50 - 60 year..
3 hr All Licenses CE - Health Care Today and How We Got Here
This course covers the changing landscape of Health Care over the last several years. The online cou..
15 hr All Licenses CE - Overview of the Life Insurance Industry
This course offers an overview of the life insurance industry and the elements of traditional life i..
8 hr All Licenses CE - Overview of the Health Insurance Industry
This course offers an overview of the health insurance industry and the elements of traditional heal..
8 hr CE Law and Policy - all licenses (except 3-20)
This course is designed as a continuing education course related to insurance agents and adjusters. ..
2 hr All Licenses CE - Hurricanes and Their Impact on Insurance
The course will present a review of hurricane characteristics and forecasting, emphasizing policies ..
3 hr All Licenses CE - Flood Insurance Concepts
Various aspects of Flood Insurance will be covered in this course, including the history of the Nati..
4 hr Basic-level All Licenses CE - Insurance Law and Policy
This course is designed as a continuing education course related to insurance agents and adjusters. ..
3 hr All Licenses CE - Online Ethics Course
The online course presents an explanation of Insurance Fraud, Regulatory Ethical Standards, Regulato..
14 hr All Lines CE - Elements Of Life Insurance And It's Uses
Florida - Elements of Life Insurance and its Uses today (CE) - This course is an overview ..