37 day enrolment in 2 hr PREMIUM DISCOUNTS & MITIGATION OPTIONS (CE) (INSCE011FL2) - This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit.

This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. No classroom attendance required. This FL Intermediate CE course is approved for 2hrs of CE credit for all licenses (except 3-20).

The Florida Legislature enacted a law requiring all residential property insurance companies to file with the Office of Insurance Regulation a range of premium discounts they propose to offer. Insurance companies issuing new homeowners’ insurance policies, or the first renewal of a homeowner’s insurance policy, must let policyholders know they can get discounts if they strengthen their homes against hurricane damage. All residential property insurance companies must provide all new and renewing customers the exact discounts that apply specifically to their homes. The premium discounts are based on various hurricane mitigation options.

Course Provider: OnLine Training, Inc. 
FLDFS Provider #: 366468
Course Approval #: 69317

Provider Info
Provider Name OnLine Training
Provider # 366468
Course Approval # 69317
Course Info
Course Length 2 hours
Extension Availability Yes, a 30-day extension, for a $49.00 charge, may be requested a maximum of three times and should be requested BEFORE the course expires.
Author/Instructor Jeff King
Course Availability Florida

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2 Hr Premium Discounts & Mitigation Options (CE) INSCE011FL2

  • Product Code: INSCE011FL2
  • Instructor: OnLine Training Institute
  • Availability: In Stock
    • $22.00


    for each student

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Tags: insurance, continuing, premium, discounts, mitigation, options, insce011fl2, education, florida, courses, online, training, institute, (ce), (insce011fl2), Insurance, Continuing Education, Florida, Insurance Continuing Ed., Insurance, All Courses